Our products for your energy
Small and medium projects up to 250 kW power, and 250 kWh capacity
EMS compact
Not exceeding the reserved power / input
SPOT price management
Operation without supply to the network at negative selling prices
Maximizing the use of produced energy
Compensating for price and performance peaks with battery storage
Heating and cooling control (SG ready)
Storage tank heating control
EV charging management
Large, complex projects
EMS full
Not exceeding the reserved performance, power consumption
SPOT price management
Operation without supply to the network at negative selling prices
Maximizing the use of produced energy
Integration of third-party dispatch control
Reserved capacity management
Reactive power control
Active power control according to frequency
Compensating for price and performance peaks with battery storage
Heating and cooling control (SG ready)
Providing communication with the selected merchant flexibility
Storage tank heating control
EV charging management
Control of cogeneration unit / generator / other source
Management of other technologies
Integrated DSO dispatch control unit (Czechia only)
Remote terminal units (Czechia only)
RTU basic
Basic dispatching control unit
communication with the DSO in Czechia (CEZ, EGD, PRE)
RTU smart
Advanced dispatch control unit
possibility of PV control
non-exceeding reserved power and input
SPOT price control, operation without supply to the network at negative sales prices